NAME "File::XDG" - Basic implementation of the XDG base directory specification SYNOPSIS use File::XDG; my $xdg = File::XDG->new(name => 'foo'); # user config $xdg->config_home # user data $xdg->data_home # user cache $xdg->cache_home # system config $xdg->config_dirs # system data $xdg->data_dirs DESCRIPTION This module provides a basic implementation of the XDG base directory specification as exists by the Free Desktop Organization (FDO). It supports all XDG directories except for the runtime directories, which require session management support in order to function. CONSTRUCTOR $xdg = File::XDG->new( %args ) Returns a new instance of a "File::XDG" object. This must be called with an application name as the "name" argument. Takes the following named arguments: name => STRING Name of the application for which File::XDG is being used. METHODS $xdg->data_home() Returns the user-specific data directory for the application as a "Path::Class" object. $xdg->config_home() Returns the user-specific configuration directory for the application as a "Path::Class" object. $xdg->cache_home() Returns the user-specific cache directory for the application as a "Path::Class" object. $xdg->data_dirs() Returns the system data directories, not modified for the application. Per the specification, the returned string is :-delimited. $xdg->config_dirs() Returns the system config directories, not modified for the application. Per the specification, the returned string is :-delimited. $xdg->lookup_data_file('subdir', 'filename'); Looks up the data file by searching for ./subdir/filename relative to all base directories indicated by $XDG_DATA_HOME and $XDG_DATA_DIRS. If an environment variable is either not set or empty, its default value as defined by the specification is used instead. Returns a "Path::Class" object. $xdg->lookup_config_file('subdir', 'filename'); Looks up the configuration file by searching for ./subdir/filename relative to all base directories indicated by $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. If an environment variable is either not set or empty, its default value as defined by the specification is used instead. Returns a "Path::Class" object. SEE ALSO XDG Base Directory specification, version 0.7 <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module's Windows support is made possible by "File::HomeDir". I would also like to thank "Path::Class" and "File::Spec". AUTHOR Kiyoshi Aman <>