Lock::Server - Light-weight socket based resource locking manager.

        This creates a child process socket server that takes lock and 
        unlock requests. The lock requests only return once a lock is
        obtained or a timeout has occurred. A lock may only be locked
        for a specific amount of time before the lock is timed out.

        This does not do deadlock detection, relying on the timeouts to 
        prevent the system from getting in a hopelessly tangled state.
        Care should be taken, as with any resource locking system, with
        the use of Lock::Server. Adjust the timeouts for what makes sense
        with the system you are designing. The lock requests return with the
        time that the lock will expire.

        use Lock::Server;
        use Lock::Server::Client;

        my $lockServer = new Lock::Server( {
           lock_timeout         => 10, #seconds. default is 3
           lock_attempt_timeout => 12, #seconds. default is 4
           port                 => 888, #default is 8004
           host                 => 'localhost', #default
        } );

        if( my $childPid = $lockServer->start ) {
            print "Lock server started in child thread $childPid\n";

        my $lockClient_A = $lockServer->client( "CLIENT_A" );
        my $lockClient_B = 
            new Lock::Server::Client( "CLIENT_B", 'localhost', 888 );

        if( $lockClient_A->lock( "KEYA" ) ) {
           print "Lock Successfull for locker A and KEYA\n";
        } else {
           print "Could not obtain lock in 12 seconds.\n";

        # KEYA for LockerI times out after 10 seconds.
        # Lock Client B waits until it can obtain the lock
        if( $lockClient_B->lock( "KEYA" ) ) {
           print "Lock Successfull for Client B lock 'KEYA'\n";
        } else {
           print "Could not obtain lock in 12 seconds.\n";

        # KEYA for LockerII is now freed. The next locker
        # attempting to lock KEYA will then obtain the lock.
        if( $lockClientB->unlock( "KEYA" ) ) {
           print "Unlock Successfull\n";

        if( $lockServer->stop ) {
            print "Lock server shut down.\n";

  Lock::Server::new( $args )
     Creates a new lock server for the given optional arguments.
     Arguments are :
       * port - port to serve on. Defaults to 8004
       * lock_timeout - low long should a lock last in seconds
       * lock_attempt_timeout - how long should a requester
                                wait for a lock in seconds

  client( lockername )
        Returns a client with the given name that can send lock and unlock requests for keys.

        Kills the lock server, breaking off any connections that are waiting for a lock.

        Starts the lock server in a child process, opening up a tcpip socket.

Helper package
        Lock::Server::Client - client for locking server.

        Sends request to a Lock::Server to lock, unlock and check locks.

   new( lockername, host, port )
        Creates a client object with the given name for the host and port.

   isLocked( key )
        Returns true if the key is locked by anyone.

   lockedByMe( key )
        Returns true if the key is locked by this client or 
        anyone with the name of this client. The name was given in the constructor.

   lock( key )
        Attempt to get the lock for the given key. Returns true if the lock
        was obtained.

   unlock( key )
        Attempt to get unlock the given key. Returns true if the
        key was locked to this client ( or someting with the same name ).

  CHECK key
        Returns 1 if the key is currently locked by anyone. 
        Returns 0 otherwise

  LOCK key lockername
        Returns 1 if the key can be locked by this locker and no pending lock attempt
                  or lock by this locker already exists.
        Returns 0 otherwise

  UNLOCK key lockername
        Returns 1 if the the locker had lock and can unlock the key.
        Returns 0 otherwise

  VERIFY key lockername
        Returns 1 if the the locker still has the lock on the given key (and has not lost it due to timeouts )
        Returns 0 otherwise

           Eric Wolf

           Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Wolf. All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
           under the same terms as Perl itself.

           Version 1.0  (October 12, 2015))