\input blue.tex
\bluechapter History of Changes

An account of the history of BLUe's format has been provided.
Milestones in the development have been listed.

In {\oldstyle1994} BLUe's format was introduced at CyrTUG and Euro\TeX.
The article was published in MAPS {\oldstyle94}.{\oldstyle1}, 
and also in the Euro\TeX{} proceedings (abbreviated).
The fall article and  a pre-release of \bluetex{}
have been sent to the world, i.e., to the CTAN.
At that time only a default format and the transparencies format
were available. It has been extended by report and letter format.
The  design of BLUe's format accounted for personalization, open-endedness,
minimal markup and a discipline to cope with progress. 

The major extension of {\oldstyle 1995} was this user's guide, 
which entailed the \cs{report} format, and the inclusion of Knuth's
letter and concert formats, \TB{} Appendix~E. 
Both were finished in January {\oldstyle1995}.
Important was  how to cope  with the multitude of 
formats, macros and tools out there. 
The files have been organized in databases. 
Not only a database for references, pictures, and addresses, no, 
also for tools and formats. 
What is needed will be loaded selectively from these, behind the scenes,
and\dots\thinspace  by \TeX. Neat! 


\def\header{\hfil Change\hfil\lower1.25ex\null}%To put on 1/3th
%Beware of the name clash \cs: control sequence and column separator.
\def\template{\colsepsurround ##\hfil\raise4ex\null&\lft##\rgt&
%Data to be extended. Remember that \obeylines is on.
               {Spring {\oldstyle1996}}
               {Summer {\oldstyle1995}}
               {Spring {\oldstyle1995}}
               {Dec {\oldstyle1994}}
Updates to come     
%Another line        
%The 3th jolly line  
BLUe-2-\LaTeX{} Convertor Assistant emerged
PASCAL tool improved, one-pass ToC added
Graphics has been extended by turtle graphics, fractals, and smileys
\rs %No \cs{name} possible; name clash with column separator
    %Next are lines within one entry. Natural input.
page size for index flexible; plnindex can be used loose from blue.tex
|\nxttrs| |\continue| consistent with |\newpage| (|\vfill\eject|)
list element tag in address.dat, lit.dat and pic.dat changed into |\lst|
|\oldstyle| is introduced for the page numbers in the index etc.
Font handling for transparencies has been cleaned up
Addresses are stored in address.dat to cooperate with |\letter|
Tools are stored in the database tools.dat
Formats are stored in a database fmt.dat
\bluetex{} has been extended to BLUe's format system
|\report| and |\letter| have been designed
|\nitem| uses |\prenum| and |\postnum| for embellishments
|\create| in math cross-refs stores also |\prenum| and |\postnum|
|\rowstblst|'s last argument is no longer an exception           
Partitioned matrix markup is short and elegant via |\btable|     
Space-saving variant of continued fraction looks much better now 
D\"urer's magic square has a better |\dotboxit|.                 
Bridge form details have been improved.       