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3.3 Spacing and rotation

The *object form described above can be used to space individual objects differently, however, it is also possible to change the overall spacing of a matrix by inserting the following codes between \xymatrix and the following {:

@=dimen set spacing
@R=dimen set row spacing
@C=dimen set column spacing
@M=dimen set entry default margin
@W=dimen set entry default width
@H=dimen set entry default height
@L=dimen set label margin

= can be replaced by any of +, +=, -, and -= of section 2.2 with the same meaning, i.e., replace "set" with "increase," "increase to at most," "decrease," and "decrease to at least," respectively. For example, $\xymatrix@1@=0pt@M=0pt{A&B\\C&D}$ in the text typesets tex2html_wrap2750.

In case uniform spacing is desired, several alternative forms exist.

@! force all spaces equal
@!0 -- and ignore entry sizes
@!R force equal row spacing
@!C force equal column spacing

Finally a special notation allows rotation of an entire matrix:

@d rotate towards d

Only the matrix grid will rotate, however, not the actual contents.


Exercise 17.

Typeset the "strip lemma"



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Kristoffer H. Rose <krisrose@brics.dk> January 6, 1997 / LaTeX2HTMLv96.1-h